Children’s Sunday School – Preschool-5th grade

For kids age pre3 through 5th grade:
Join us for opening at 9:20 AM in Fellowship Hall West.
Children, PreK- 5th grade are encouraged to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:20 for Sunday school. The Sunday School schedule is as follows:
Beginning August 20 on 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month we will have an acoustic style music opening beginning at 9:20AM. All ages welcome.
1st & 3rd SUNDAY MUSIC
After Opening Elementary Students will join Jacob and Craig for music practice leading up to the Children’s & Youth Advent Service. Into October costumed parts will be assigned to those who are interested and regularly attend rehearsals.
Beginning August 27 on 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month join the Youth Band in Fellowship West for Sunday School Opening. at 9:20 AM. All ages welcome.
2nd & 4th SUNDAY MUSIC
At 9:30 AM Jr High (6th-8th grade) Students will join Jacob and Craig for chimes practice leading up to the Children’s & Youth Advent Service.
At 9:30 AM Jr High (6th-8th grade) Students will join Jacob and Craig for chimes practice leading up to the Children’s & Youth Advent Service.
n August, Sunday School, for PreK- 5th grade, will begin a new curriculum called “The Life of Jesus”. Kids will really get to know Jesus while they will follow the stories of Jesus’ life, from His birth, through His ministry, to His death and resurrection for an entire year. Our memory verse for the month is: Luke 2:14.
Practice saying this verse as a family. Read the book of Acts as a family this summer. Talk about how God calls us as His children and how we are part of that same church that began in Acts.
Come join us each Sunday for opening at 9:20 in our new fellowship hall, then check out the new classrooms!

New PreK-K classroom

New 1st-2nd grade classroom

New 3rd-5th grade classroom
Sunday School In Action
Our Junior High class is completing a 30 Lessons in Apologetics series. This class can be taken as a Sunday School class or for Confirmation credit.
To find out more about taking Sunday School classes for credit, please speak to DCE Suzanne.

Our Jr High Sunday School Class is for youth in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Students meet in person in the Jr High Room from 9:30-10:30 AM.
Our High School Sunday School Class includes youth in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. It is in the High School Room from 9:30-10:30 AM.
This class is continuing the LIVE Books of the Bible study. Youth are challenged to open their hearts and minds to parts of the Bible that intimidated them before. Young people will discover the beauty and relevancy of Scripture through this curriculum that touches on all 66 books of the Bible. As you journey through the entire Bible together, students will see the bigger picture of God’s story and gain appreciation for his redemption plan through Jesus.
Teachers are Timothy Michaels-Johnson and Shaun James.

Young adults, anyone out of high school through 30+, join us on Sunday mornings for Sunday school opening at 9:20 am in Fellowship Hall West. Then at 9:40, we will meet in the Fishbowl for Bible study time. We are reading through the Gospel of John.
If you have any questions, contact DCE Nikki: NBoyd@CTRTulsa.org

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

– Adult Class by Pastor Burmeister. Meets in Fellowship East.
– Life by His Word: God’s Word is our source for life. Through deeper study of each book in the Bible, we see the big picture of Scripture from creation through the redemption of Jesus Christ. Please join us as we study in the Book of Psalms 1-50.
Class Leader: Steven Short
Class Location: SE Classroom just south of the Fish Bowl on the west side of the hall.