What is VBS?
Vacation Bible School is a 5-day summer outreach and education ministry of Christ the Redeemer. We utilize volunteers and church staff to share the Good News of the Gospel message with children age 3 through those who have completed 5th grade. Our Vacation Bible School is free to participate in, but we do support a mission each year and encourage the children and adults to bring a daily offering toward that endeavor.
Registration Information
New friends • Amazing experiments • Creative games
Super-fun snacks • Surprising adventures • Incredible music
Super-fun snacks • Surprising adventures • Incredible music
Save these dates for VBS: June 10-14, 2024
Each day’s fun happens from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Each day’s fun happens from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
This event is free to attend.
To register your child or to volunteer, visit our VBS Registration Page
To register your child or to volunteer, visit our VBS Registration Page

At on-site Registration each parent will be required to complete a Registration/Liability Form, you may also print it out in advance and complete it before you arrive to expedite your Registration process.
Download the form HERE.





VBS 2019

Past attendee Genevieve helping a current student level-up their game in art!

Our Arts and Crafts volunteers. Some of whom are past attendees.

Making painted rocks to help share the Gospel message with others.
Preschool/Pre K
1st & 2nd Grade
3rd, 4th & 5th Grade