Adult Bible Class led by Pastor Burmeister meets in Fellowship East at 9:30 AM Sunday mornings.
Young Adult Class led by DCE Nikki Boyd at 9:40 in the Fishbowl.
Widow/Widower’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and is led by Pastor Burmeister.
Ladies Friday Bible Class meets at 9:30am on Friday at CTR and is led by Patti Ross. Please contact Patti for more information.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – contact person; Debra Howell, CTR LWML President
To support activities that further the CTR mission statement of Leading Others into a Living Relationship with Jesus Christ. Click Here for information about Lutheran Women in Mission at CTR and our Upcoming Events. Join our Facebook Group for current projects and events
Sew ‘n Sows – meets Tuesdays @ 10am to make quilts for Missions and the needy.
Women’s Small Group – a weekly Bible Study over a beverage of your choice (with some provided options). Meets during CTR-U Wednesday nights at 5:30 PM. Women of all ages welcome! Contact Katie Michaels-Johnson for more details.
Canasta – contact person Donna Boggs 918-258-5291 – monthly fellowship game group. Donna can advise of times and availability for openings for those interested.
Lady Roustabouts – contact Carri Cline for more information. Meets on Wednesdays at CTR to do projects around the building.
BUNCO – meets the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm in Fellowship West.

Men of Faith – a weekly open discussion of spiritual topics over a beverage of your choice (with some provided options). Meets during CTR-U Wednesday nights at 5:30 PM. Men of all ages welcome!
Roustabouts – contact Floyd Lemons – meets Friday mornings for coffee, doughnuts, fellowship, and assisting with light maintenance of CTR building facilities.


Winers and Diners – contact person Nancy Kirby 481-1121 or Sandy Moeller 296-9935. every other month fellowship wine tasting group gathers at local restaurant or member residence.
Connect Night – Family ministry program offering childcare and parent/adult fellowship 1 night per month or so. Contact Family and Children’s Ministry for more information.
OWLS – The CTR Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors meet monthly for lunch, fellowship and guest speaker.
CTR Friends – contact person Roseanne Kretzschmar – monthly luncheon outing at local restaurants.