CTR Weekly News: Mar 19 – 25

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: … ; late: William Butler
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org

GREETERS: If you are interested in being a greeter, please contact Connie in the church office at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org. We could use three teams for early service and one team for late service.
EARLY SERVICE USHERS are also needed. If you’d like to join an early usher crew, please contact Connie at the office as well.

BILLY SIMPSON: Anyone wishing to send a card to Billy can do so at his home address: 1523 E Main, Cushing, OK 74023

LWML MEETING is March 20 at 12:30. DCE Suzanne will be presenting an overview of her trip to Israel as part of the program. All ladies are invited to attend.
PACK THE HOUSE! We’re gearing up to pack the house on April 15 with 100% attendance. If there’s someone you’ve missed seeing in church, make it a point to contact them and encourage them to join you in worship.
CTR-U CRAFT CLASS will be April 11 at 5:30. It will be a wooden wall hanging which you can hang seasonal décor,  children’s artwork, greeting card, etc. on. We will offer several options of spring décor to paint as well as two plaque options. Cost $5.00 – Limited to 12 participants. Sign up now.
HARVEST HOUSE SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE: Clean out your closets and bring your gently used clothing for the clients of Harvest House during the month of March.  
OUTREACH FOOD DRIVE for South Tulsa is next week! Please remember to bring non-perishable food and household items for those in our area who are not as fortunate as we are.
ECC AUCTION is set for April 20 from 6-10 at the Campbell Hotel. Tickets are $25/person – $40/couple. They can be purchased at the ECC office or contact Nikki Witt. If you would like to donate any of the following, please let Nikki know: a weekend stay at a timeshare or vacation home; any connections with sporting events or concerts (ie tickets, use of a suite, etc); bottles of wine; new/unused baskets of all sizes; monetary donations for basket sponsorships; restaurant gift cards.

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR EASTER! For this year’s Easter egg-xperience, we will need clean egg cartons, all the plastic eggs we can get, and candy! Please deliver these items to the box under the Family and Children’s Ministry bulletin board at the south entrance. If you are interested in helping stuff the eggs, see DCE Intern Myrthe.

ARTIST NEEDED! For this year’s Easter Egg-xperience, we need your help in creating artwork to include in our interactive booklets. We are looking for drawings depicting the events that happened after Jesus rose from the dead until the time he ascended into heaven. Please submit your works to families@ctrtulsa.org or in person to DCE Intern Myrthe Harkenrider.

Celebrate the Resurrection with us on Easter Sunday! The CTR Youth and their  families invite you to an  Easter Sunday breakfast.
When: April 1 from  9 AM-10:30 AM
Where: CTR Fellowship Hall
All donations will help support the youth attending the 2018 Summer Mission Trip to Florida and the 2019 National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis.

Youth Easter Breakfast: This year our menu for the Easter breakfast will be casseroles, fruit and pancakes. We have decided that it would be easiest to all meet together Friday, March 30 before the Good Friday worship service to:
1. Set up the Fellowship Hall
2. Prep the fruit and casseroles
Please commit  to be here on Friday at 5:30 PM. The supplies for the casseroles will be here (including disposable pans!) as well as the fruit. We will need hands, preferably youth hands as well as adult, to assist in assembling casseroles and setting up the tables and paper products. Then we will need families to commit to taking home casseroles to bake OR arriving early on Sunday to help get them in the oven. And we will need servers and pancake makers for Sunday morning.
Please RSVP to me if you can come Friday to help and if you can be here Sunday to assist.
CTR’S VBS – June 11-15 – 9:00-12:00. For ages 3-5th Grade. Register online at
ASSISTANCE DURING TEACHER WALKOUT: CTR plans to make the church available to any of our children, youth and families in the event of a teacher walkout beginning April 2 from 8:00 AM-5:30 PM Monday-Friday. Beginning next Sunday, you will able to sign up for this service. Volunteers will also be needed to help assist throughout each day and a signup will be available for this as well.
Sunday Night Youth Schedule! 2 Sundays a month from 3-5 PM!
March 25 Confirmation/Bible Study & Games
Save the Date for Family and Club 345 Events:
April 6-8: Club 345 Retreat to Camp Lutherhoma
April 14: Connect Night
May 12: Club 345 Silly String and Water War 

CLUB 345 RETREAT REGISTRATION for Club 345’s Retreat to Camp Lutherhoma will begin next Sunday. From April 6-8th, all third, fourth and fifth graders are welcome to join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship! Questions? Contact DCE Intern Myrthe at families@ctrtulsa.org.
