Grace Required

One of the most difficult things in ministry is to determine how much grace is required in a particular circumstance. I remember when I was a younger pastor, this was an area that I failed at more often than I succeeded. It happened more often than I care to admit that I treated a person, who needed extra grace as though they only needed moderate grace. I found myself cutting the person short, or not showing them the kind of care they needed at the time. It was not intentional, but, the result was never good. The person would go away feeling that they were not completely loved or that something else was more important than them.
So I have developed a little system whereby I try my best to figure out where a person is at, with regards to the amount of grace that is needed within a certain circumstance. I tend to gravitate to TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms).
NGR – No Grace Required: These are individuals who are perfectly content with the grace they receive from God and do not have a need to be shown grace from others. Very often they appear very strong on the outside and on the inside they are in active communication with God concerning their needs. It could be the case that they are receiving grace from others and so there is no need for you to show them grace, within a given circumstance.
MGR – Moderate Grace Required: These are individuals that have had something happen to them and they need your grace right now. But, it is a moderate amount of grace and does not need to extend far into the future. They do get and feel the grace from God, and they need to feel that grace from you as well.
EGR – Extra Grace Required: These are individuals who are hurting very badly. They do feel the grace of God and know and understand his grace, but they need to feel that grace from you. This grace needs to extend beyond the normal parameters. People in an EGR situation need your undivided attention and your extended periods of time. There is no telling how much will be enough or how much time needs to be devoted to them.
It is the situation that people find themselves in that determine how much grace is required. These categories are not prescriptive of a person’s faith. All of us have, in our lives, moved from NGR to EGR in the blink of an eye. I remember when Leon got into his car accident on 71st Street on a Sunday morning. He went immediately from NGR to EGR. I stopped my bible study and went out, along with other members to help him. This is just a small example to show that these categories are extremely permeable and no judgment of faith levels should ever be associated with them.
So, as you are out and about in the world and functioning as Christian believers, ask yourself if the person in front of you is in need of extra grace right now, and then show them that grace. It could be the driver who just pulled out in front of you. It could be your child who is struggling even right now. It could be your spouse who needs your extra grace. Give it to them. Why? Because when we approach God with all of our shortcomings, He shows us not EGR, but AGR (Amazing Grace Required). Amen!
